本文的目的是为社区提供创新的新兴技术框架,用于打击流行病情况。本文提出了一种基于人工智能和边缘计算的独特的疫情响应系统框架,为公民中心服务提供帮助跟踪和跟踪公共或工作场所设置中的屏蔽检测和社会疏散度量等安全政策。该框架还提供工业设置的实施指南,以及治理和联系跟踪任务。因此,通过将导致智能城市规划和发展,重点是有助于提高生活质量的公民卫生系统。呈现的概念框架通过通过研究人员的公共网站的次要数据收集来验证,通过研究人员的公共网站,GitHub存储库和着名的期刊以及进一步的基准测试在Microsoft Azure云环境中进行实验结果进行了实验结果。该研究包括用于基准分析的选择性AI模型,并在大规模社会设置中评估了边缘计算环境中的性能和准确性。对象检测任务中的总体yolo模型优于窗口检测任务中的更快,适用于掩模检测和HRNETV2优异性语义分割问题,以解决AI-Edge推理环境设置中的社会疏散任务。本文提出了新的Edge-AI算法,用于建立技术为导向的解决方案,用于检测人类运动和社会距离的面罩。本文丰富了人工智能和边缘计算的技术进步,适用于社会和医疗保健系统的问题。该框架进一步配备了政府机构,系统提供商来设计和构建社区设置的技术导向模型,以利用新兴技术进入智能城市环境的生活质量。
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Federated Deep Learning frameworks can be used strategically to monitor Land Use locally and infer environmental impacts globally. Distributed data from across the world would be needed to build a global model for Land Use classification. The need for a Federated approach in this application domain would be to avoid transfer of data from distributed locations and save network bandwidth to reduce communication cost. We use a Federated UNet model for Semantic Segmentation of satellite and street view images. The novelty of the proposed architecture is the integration of Knowledge Distillation to reduce communication cost and response time. The accuracy obtained was above 95% and we also brought in a significant model compression to over 17 times and 62 times for street View and satellite images respectively. Our proposed framework has the potential to be a game-changer in real-time tracking of climate change across the planet.
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Extensible objects form a challenging case for NRSfM, owing to the lack of a sufficiently constrained extensible model of the point-cloud. We tackle the challenge by proposing 1) convex relaxations of the isometric model up to quasi-isometry, and 2) convex relaxations involving the equiareal deformation model, which preserves local area and has not been used in NRSfM. The equiareal model is appealing because it is physically plausible and widely applicable. However, it has two main difficulties: first, when used on its own, it is ambiguous, and second, it involves quartic, hence highly nonconvex, constraints. Our approach handles the first difficulty by mixing the equiareal with the isometric model and the second difficulty by new convex relaxations. We validate our methods on multiple real and synthetic data, including well-known benchmarks.
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The relevance of machine learning (ML) in our daily lives is closely intertwined with its explainability. Explainability can allow end-users to have a transparent and humane reckoning of a ML scheme's capability and utility. It will also foster the user's confidence in the automated decisions of a system. Explaining the variables or features to explain a model's decision is a need of the present times. We could not really find any work, which explains the features on the basis of their class-distinguishing abilities (specially when the real world data are mostly of multi-class nature). In any given dataset, a feature is not equally good at making distinctions between the different possible categorizations (or classes) of the data points. In this work, we explain the features on the basis of their class or category-distinguishing capabilities. We particularly estimate the class-distinguishing capabilities (scores) of the variables for pair-wise class combinations. We validate the explainability given by our scheme empirically on several real-world, multi-class datasets. We further utilize the class-distinguishing scores in a latent feature context and propose a novel decision making protocol. Another novelty of this work lies with a \emph{refuse to render decision} option when the latent variable (of the test point) has a high class-distinguishing potential for the likely classes.
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The use of multilingual language models for tasks in low and high-resource languages has been a success story in deep learning. In recent times, Arabic has been receiving widespread attention on account of its dialectal variance. While prior research studies have tried to adapt these multilingual models for dialectal variants of Arabic, it still remains a challenging problem owing to the lack of sufficient monolingual dialectal data and parallel translation data of such dialectal variants. It remains an open problem on whether the limited dialectical data can be used to improve the models trained in Arabic on its dialectal variants. First, we show that multilingual-BERT (mBERT) incrementally pretrained on Arabic monolingual data takes less training time and yields comparable accuracy when compared to our custom monolingual Arabic model and beat existing models (by an avg metric of +$6.41$). We then explore two continual pre-training methods-- (1) using small amounts of dialectical data for continual finetuning and (2) parallel Arabic to English data and a Translation Language Modeling loss function. We show that both approaches help improve performance on dialectal classification tasks ($+4.64$ avg. gain) when used on monolingual models.
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关于文本到SQL语义解析的最新研究取决于解析器本身或基于简单的启发式方法来理解自然语言查询(NLQ)。合成SQL查询时,没有可用的NLQ的明确语义信息,从而导致不良的概括性能。此外,如果没有词汇级的细粒度查询理解,查询与数据库之间的链接只能依赖模糊的字符串匹配,这会导致实际应用中的次优性能。考虑到这一点,在本文中,我们提出了一个基于令牌级的细粒度查询理解的通用,模块化的神经语义解析框架。我们的框架由三个模块组成:命名实体识别器(NER),神经实体接头(NEL)和神经语义解析器(NSP)。通过共同建模查询和数据库,NER模型可以分析用户意图并确定查询中的实体。 NEL模型将类型的实体链接到数据库中的模式和单元格值。解析器模型利用可用的语义信息并链接结果并根据动态生成的语法合成树结构的SQL查询。新发布的语义解析数据集的Squall实验表明,我们可以在WikiableQuestions(WTQ)测试集上实现56.8%的执行精度,这使最先进的模型的表现优于2.7%。
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脑出血(ICH)是最致命的中风子类型,死亡率高达52%。由于颅骨切开术引起的潜在皮质破坏,保守管理(注意等待)历史上一直是一种常见的治疗方法。最小的侵入性疏散最近已成为一种可公认的治疗方法,用于体积30-50 mL的深座性血肿的患者,但适当的可视化和工具敏感性仍然受到常规内窥镜方法的限制,尤其是较大的血肿体积(> 50 mL)。在本文中,我们描述了Aspihre的发展(脑部出血机器人疏散的手术平台),这是有史以来的第一个同心管机器人,该机器人使用现成的塑料管来进行MR引导ICH撤离,改善工具敏感性和程序可视化。机器人运动学模型是基于基于校准的方法和试管力学建模开发的,使模型可以考虑可变曲率和扭转偏转。使用可变增益PID算法控制旋转精度为0.317 +/- 0.3度。硬件和理论模型在一系列系统的基准和MRI实验中进行了验证,导致1.39 +\ -0.54 mm的管尖的位置精度。验证靶向准确性后,在MR引导的幻影凝块疏散实验中测试了机器人的疏散功效。该机器人能够在5分钟内撤离最初38.36 mL的凝块,使残留血肿为8.14 mL,远低于15 mL指南,表明良好的后疏散临床结果。
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